Englisch FilmClip Test 03 Test00 Test01 Test02 Test03

Gemeindenblick Bern CH 2023

Complete the sentences below with one word, when necessary. Write "-" in the box if nothing is missing.

TIP! Textfeld weiter gehen mit
1 May there is a delay the wheater is bad.
2 Because I don't want people knows who I .
3 The telefons are there.
4 What kind problems?
5 I hope .
6 That's a free number, you don't have Sir.
7 I'm sorry to say, your flight has canceled.
8 You must work hard you want to learn English.
9 you want to learn English, you must work hard.
10 Even though you are the only passengers on this fly,
I'm not another announcement.
11 you are in the travelbusiness, you can help us.
12 Since it's a bad airline, why do you fly Express?
13 It's a great airline, it does have problems sometimes.
14 I'm wearing a moustache, it's not really mine.
15 Even though she's reading it, she mistakes.
16 Let's sit down all seats are taken.
17 That's not difficult, since we are the people here.
18 We can watch television we're waiting.


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Last updated: Januar 11