Englisch FilmClip Test 01 Test00 Test01 Test02 Test03

Gemeindenblick Bern CH 2023

Complete the sentences below with one word, when necessary. Write "-" in the box if nothing is missing.

TIP! Textfeld weiter gehen mit
1 Where are you on holiday this year?
2 We're (We are) it in Egypt.
3 When are you ?
4 We're on July 20.
5 Are you . by air?.
6 Yes we're flying direct to Cairo.
7 How long are you there?
8 We aren't . back until the end of September.
9 I Go to the South Seas and you come with me.
10 Because bussiness booming.
11 Because she plrasent manner.
12 Because she's good business.
13 We weren't satisfied with the service, but on the whole
we had a holiday.
14 Are you being attended to? He shouted to attract .
15 Business is improving rapidly. There are clear signs of .
16 Mr Burn's travel agency is prospering. It's going
to be a business.
17 She contradicted his remark. Mr. Burn is friendly but
doesn't like .
18 Can my child parent he or she wants to live?


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Last updated: Januar 11